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By Marta Alves


When I grow old and feeble and in my old age

I start acting crazy and forget to pray...


Please, my son,

Fold my hands and help me pray!


When tired

After years of life,

Saturated by medicines

And with a weak heart

I forget to pray...


Please, my child,

Fold my hands and help me pray!


When with tired steps

I can walk just a short way

Overwhelmed by the weight of time

I forget to pray...

Please, my love,

Fold my hands and help me pray!


If I act crazy... don’t resent me.

My mind is tired

And although my soul still the same...

This old body of mine doesn’t respond anymore.

Respect me for what I was...

Don’t make fun of me.


This old body of mine is but my shell

That slowly chips and falls away.

Give me love and understanding...

In this last phase of life but most of all:


When I start acting crazy... Pray with me!


If you are not here to do it ... Pray for me!

Just keep me in your prayers in these final earthly days...




Ó 1983  Marta More Alves


By Marta Alves

Lord Jesus, You are the Giver of life.

You give me life to love You.

You give me faith to know You.

You give me wisdom to follow You.

You give me joy to rejoice in You.

To give in charity,

To wait in hope,

To come to know that all I have is Yours.

All I am is Yours.

All I desire is You.

I love You, Lord

I give You my all.

“God love a cheerful giver.”

2 Cor 9:7

©2009 Marta Alves


By Marta Alves


O God, Lord Jesus, we come with open hearts

We are thankful that you created us to love

We are thankful for your love

We are thankful that you taught us to care

We are thankful for your care

We are thankful we can see

We are thankful for the sunshine

We are thankful that we can feel

We are thankful for the rain

We are thankful that we can smell

We are thankful for peach pies

We are thankful that we can listen

We are thankful for your Word

For the birds that without going to school know how to sing

We are thankful for the voices you gave us

For the air we breathe

We are thankful for our loved ones

For our children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren

For our parents and grandparents and great-grandparents

For Sisters and brothers

For Aunts, uncles and cousins

For our whole family

For Friends and neighbors

We thank you, Lord, for the world you made and put us in it

Most of all for your loving and all giving sacrifice of dying on the cross

Rising and ascending to heaven

For the Holy Spirit you sent to guide us

Thank you for the Eucharist and your divine presence

How can we even begin to thank you?

We could not thank you

If you would not have given us

Memory, intelligence and will

There is not enough paper in the world to write a list of thank you

Let us conclude by saying:

Thank you, Lord for the prayer you taught us

As we pray today

Our Father who are in heaven

Hallowed be thy name

Thy kingdom come

Thy will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

and forgive us our trespasses

as we forgive those who trespass against us

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from evil



Write your own list of thank you.


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