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  • Marta Alves

Bishop Barron - A Man of God

Bishop Barron is a Holy Man of God

By Marta Alves

© 2022 Marta Alves August 27, 2022

I believe that Bishop Barron is an honorable and holy man of God. We need to listen to his words and learn from him. I respect and admire him. In my opinion, he is like a college professor from which we can learn a lot. I would add that as a college professor, sometimes he speaks above my head.

Did Bishop Barron fired Elijah? I researched that in the internet. I found that he gave a sermon on June 27, 2004 before he was a bishop, That sermon was entitled “Elijah, You are Fired!” I do not agree with him that God fired Elijah. That was his opinion in a single sermon in 2004. A sermon is not a dogma of the Catholic faith, a sermon is an interpretation of a priest or a scholar about a Scripture passage or an event. We Catholics can agree and disagree. It is our opinion. What we cannot make a matter of agreement or disagreement are our dogmas of faith.

Let us be slow to judge…

The public media today creates and destroys people. A reputation takes decades to create and a reputation can be destroyed by lies in a few days through the power of public media,

It reminds me of what communist would do in the 1960’s in public gatherings. A large group of students would gather at noon in the Student center and an agitator would be speaking passionately, and all of the sudden it seemed that the whole group was screaming in support of the radical agitator… what had happened was that a few individuals would scatter among the crowd and began screaming in support of the agitator and the passionate crowd was lead to believe that everyone was doing it and they all would join in.

Let us be slow to condemn. Let us look for the facts. We cannot believe everything we hear. Let Bishop Barron’s actions speak for themselves.

I like Bishop Barron. I have learned a lot from him. I would say he is my favorite college professor who at times speaks above my head. A man of God whose knowledge of Scripture and the Catholic Faith, I would compare to the great Saints like Saint Thomas More and Saint Augustine.

I have followed him and studied with him for years. I have never met him personally, but I have studied his works and videos. He is so prolific in his works that it would be impossible to study them all.

I defined him as a faithful servant of God and the Catholic Church. A man full of wisdom. I believe that he is a true servant of God and of the Catholic Church.

I have kept up with his life and his teachings.

He has chosen to speak to the world, Catholic and non-Catholic with wisdom.

As a public figure through the pandemic, he spoke and at times he was judged harshly. He acted with caution and wisdom.

Bishop Barron is a wise, faith filled man of God. We need to pray for him. We have a lot to learn from him.

We need to pray and support Bishop Barron. He is a man of God.

Homework: Read the news and follow him in his personal social media. We have a lot to learn from him.

The following is a news release from the Internet:

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