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A Music Book

By Marta Alves
© 2004 Marta Alves, Sugar Land, TX U.S.A.

I am the bread of life.
John 6:48


Dear Friends,


I dedicate this book to Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Eucharist. Blessed be His Name.


I compose music by the grace of God. I believe Music is a gift of the Holy Spirit.


The inspiration for this book, I believe was given to me by God, so in honor of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Eucharist, I am releasing the music book, THE LORD BLESS YOU,  to every one, free in the internet.


The book contains 12 songs, to praise God and rejoice in His divine presence in the Eucharist.


Feel free to share it with family, friends and your communities of faith.


This is my way of thanking the Lord Jesus Christ for all the good He has done for me and my family.


 The Lord Bless You - A Music Book  - Click Here for the PDF Book


You can see the words, listen to the midi file or print out the musical score
for the songs in the book as follows:


Come To Me
words   musical score 


Give Me Faith, O God
words     musical score


His Divine Presence
words   musical score


How Great A Gift
words     musical score


Joyfully We Adore You Lord
words    musical score 


Justified By Faith
words     musical score 


Lord Hear Our Prayer
words    musical score 


words   musical score 


The Lord Bless You and Keep You
words    musical score 


The Lord Jesus Waits For Us
words     musical score 


We Are His
words    musical score 


We Will Serve The Lord
words    musical score 



Come To Me

 Come to me all you who labor

And are heavily ladden

And I will give you peace.

Take my yoke upon you

And learn from me

For I am gentle and lowly in heart

And you'll find rest for your souls,

 For my yoke is easy

And my burden light.


Give Me Faith, O God

 Give me faith, O God,

And guide my step.

Take me where you want me

And teach me your way.

The way that leads to freedom.

The way to love you better.

 The way to sing your songs with joy.

The way to feed the hungry.

 The way to home the homeless.

The way to see your face in ev'ry face.

Give me faith, O God,

And guide my step.

Take me where you want me,

And teach me your way.

His Divine Presence

The peace of his love

Dwells in our hearts

 When we come to him

And ask for his presence.

His divine presence is there

In the Eucharist

For us to share,

For us to partake

And for us to heal.

The Lord comes to us

And we receive him

With open'd arms we receive him.


How Great A Gift

 How great a gift we have

In the Eucharist.

Jesus ever present to us

In the Eucharist.

A simple gift

So finely wrapped

In bread and wine.

He gave his life

So we might live.

How great a gift we have

In the Eucharist.

He shines his graces and love

For us to shine,

For us to be filled with his love.

How great a gift we have

In the Eucharist.

Joyfully We Adore You Lord

 Joyfully we adore you Lord.

Gratefully we receive you.

Come to us and have mercy.

Fill our hearts with your joy.

All you give is freely given.

 All we are is gift from you.

Come to us and have mercy.

Fill our hearts with your joy.

Give us light so we may shine.

Give us grace to see your face.

Take our hands and guide us.

Fill our hearts with your joy.

Justified By Faith

 Justified by faith,

We have peace with God,

Through our Lord Jesus Christ

Through whom

We have gained access

By faith to this grace

In which we stand

And we boast in hope

of the glory of God.

Not only that

But we even boast

Of our afflictions

Knowing that affliction

Produces endurance

And endurance

Proven character,

And proven character, hope,

And hope does not dissappoint

Because the love of God

Has been poured out

Into our hearts

Through the Holy Spirit

That has been given to us.

Lord Hear Our Prayer

 Lord hear our prayer.

We come to you in supplication

With humble hearts we plead.

Do not abandon your people.

Lord hear our prayer.

We come to you in supplication

With humble hearts we plead.

We pray for the Pope for his health,

For long life and peace.

Lord hear our prayer.

We come to you in supplication

With humble hearts we plead.

We pray for our bishops,

For their health, for long life and peace.

Lord hear our prayer.

We come to you in supplication

With humble hearts we plead.

We pray for healing

 For Gerald,  for Marta, for John,

 for Tina and for Brad.

Lord hear our prayer.

We come to you in supplication

With humble hearts we plead.


 The Lord took my hand,

And led me to this land

To proclaim the Good News

To the poor.

 The Lord gave me grace

 To see the hurt and pain

Of my brothers and sisters

In this land.

May my voice, be his voice.

May my hands be like his.

 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me

Because He has anointed me

To bring glad tidings to the poor.

Lord take my hand

And stay by my side

To proclaim the Good News

To the poor.

The Lord Bless You and Keep You

 The Lord bless you and keep you.

The Lord let his face shine upon you

And be gracious to you,

To you be gracious.

The Lord look upon you kindly

And give you peace.


The Lord Jesus Waits For Us

 The Lord Jesus waits for us,

Waits for us so patiently.

To replenish the strength in our souls,

To quench our thirst,

To guide our minds,

To fill us with His grace.

The Lord Jesus waits for us,

Waits for us so patiently.

Come to him and rest a while.

Come to him

For him to show you the way.

He is the way and the light.

The Lord Jesus waits for us,

Waits for us so patiently.


We Are His

 We are his.

The Lord has made

His salvation known.

His love is everlasting.

We are his creatures.

We are his love.

Together with him,

We can cross the mountains.

Sustained by his love,

We can endure.

Blessed be his name.  Alleluia.


We Will Serve The Lord

 As for me and my house

We will serve the Lord.

For He is our strength

He's our rock.

Blessed be his name forever.

As for me and my house

We will serve the Lord.




The Eucharist Light and Life of the New Millenium


The Holy Father's New Encyclical on the Eucharist - Ecclesia de Eucharistia


The Blessed Eucharist

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